Sunday, November 11, 2018

Working On It

Moved to FL with my partner not too long ago.  The house is new(ish).  The moving process has been bumpy but it's coming along.  Overall, it's been okay but not a joyride.

Is moving ever fun?  For most people, probably not, so I'm in the majority more than likely with this scenario but we're getting the house in order and getting acclimated to our new surroundings.  Very pretty here and a nice community of folks.

There will be more Max stories coming--don't you worry!--and some of the story/other characters structuring for the forthcoming material was revised which is one reason why things are taking so long with the next one.


  1. Thanks for the update. Keep us informed. Looking forward to your next publication.

  2. Your alive! I was worried one of Florida's thirty hurricanes this year got ya.

  3. Very much looking forward to the new stories.

  4. Spring is the time when a gay man's thoughts turn to round, squeezable objects located on guys named Max. 💖

  5. Glad to see someone else is also waiting and watching. Hoping for an update, just to know what the status of the project is. Seriously hope there are still plans for the next volume. I check every day for any news (often multiple times).

  6. I'm going to bother you for an update again when summer arrives. Just a heads up. 😁

  7. I wonder if Max's mammoth muffins will make a reappearance for summer? Preferably in a thong.
